Monday 18 March 2013

The Ruskin Experience, Fall of the Niksurtes

Project title: "...I guarantee you will see"

As you are the ‘de facto’ and ‘legitimate’ bearers of the final memories of Ruskin Hall School of Art and Design, your project is to produce a tourist
attraction or theme park set in the distant future where tourists will pay to experience ‘a day in the life of Ruskin Hall’.


*This is the story produced through the brainstorming session in class. Students decided on the following as a context for a future museum at Ruskin Hall. 
(a) We have concluded that our building in the distant future exists as a museum.
(b) Its name (pending) is: The Ruskin Experience, the fall of the Niksurites
(c) It is said that in it’s time Ruskin Hall had a lot more going on than just your average art school. In 2013, a scandal took over the news for months as police and journalists unravelled evidence that students from the art and design course were running a secret sect called Niksurites (derives from ‘Ruskin’ in reverse).
Inside, investigators found secret spaces, objects, visual material and accounts of the events that took place…
A museum has now been created in the year 3089 where visitors can experience what it was like being part of the sect 1,076 years ago. Time has blurred truth from fiction and many stories have been told since…what is true and what isn’t still remains a mystery

My Role;

My role in this project is that of a journalist/ news reporter as the story is uncovered I am first on the scene to gain information as to what is really going on in this secret sect, with witness reports and interviews from parties involved, I intend to make a series of new papers and various articles all of which have been fabricated/ distorted from the original story.

For this I will research into current new and affairs and look at various types of news papers and different articles.

Initial research;

Looking at Ruskin Hall...

Ruskin Hall was the first public building in Bournville, and it was originally used as a social centre for the village. It opened in 1903, Ruskin Hall  as a place to teach Arts and Crafts to the community of Bournville, and to maintain the values and ideas of John Ruskin, a leading art critic/artist of the Victorian era.

Old photograph shows original building, this building is smaller than the Ruskin hall we know today;

The school was refurbished for £6 million in 2002 and reopened on 21 October 2002, precisely 100 years after the foundation stone for Ruskin Hall was laid. It is home to the International Project Space, and is the site of Birmingham's annual Creative Partnerships exhibition, a showcase of contemporary and visual art produced by local school students

Mind mapping/Idea Jotting 

initial research on newspapers templates;

 Naming news papers?
originally I was going to create a whole new news paper called the Bournville Bugle, this was my first attempt at planning a news paper;

not very effective as I tied to produce this document on word, it has the basics to the story I have imagined up, but it looks to plain and boring.

Looking at Layout...


Secret Sect Uncovered!
Play with the words discovered, uncovered, exposed.

EXPOSED! - grabbing viewers attention with one word liners.
Playing with fonts; all Fonts (EXPOSED) are wrote in bold and at 48 pts.

Looking into established papers...

 Comparing the same story;


Making My Trial layout...

I have never used illustrator or any type of illustrating program before...
I was tempted to just use Photoshop to create all my work as I have a good understanding of the program and it's capabilities.
Playing with stories and advertisements

 Looking at detail- price issues numbers, date

Playing with font, text size and position.
Arial Black

Playing with Layouts...


Creating an Article.

Finished Result...

Trial Paper 2;


Final Trial, Issue 2 



 Newspaper trial 3;


Text Layout/format and sizing- 

Playing with two different Headlines


Adding a Photography element to my Project;

originally I wanted to take two attention capturing photographs, the one of the university taped up with novelty police tape and the second being someone from the 'sect' being arrested, however, with out the police uniform I knew the second wouldn't be possible so I went for somebody 'sect member' pushing cameras and reporters away, hiding their head/wearing a hoody.

Original biro pen sketch

Edited on photoshop

 this image was attempted to draw using Photoshop, if I'd have paid more attention to detail and not done it in 5 minutes I believe it could have turned out to look good.
 Police tape in door way.

The Daily Mail- looking at layouts, and creating initial trial.


The Times- Looking at Layout- initial trial,

My Photography and Photoshop police tape;

My police Tape didn't arrive in time, and as I really wanted the image to have police tape across the door like an actual crime scene I decided to use Photoshop

My Photoshop trials and turnouts;



As you can see my initial attempts looked fake and unrealistic,

 'Hidden sect member.'

Photoshopped creation;
Raw, unedited image, hand has ben laced on top of body image.
adding details with blurring via- depth of field.
My Final newspapers;

The Sun;


Sun newspaper without the police tape,

 Headline/ font trials;

Leading up to Final;


Final layout style.
Final Layouts;

I have decided that I wanted to combine both of the papers.




The Times;




This newspaper was much easier to create, an it didn't need all the detail that the sun did.

The Daily Mail;

I decided to scrap this idea as it looked too much like my SUN newspaper
