Monday 28 January 2013

Creative Misfitting Project

My Initial Ideas...

Birmingham's new library due to open on the 7th of February 2013.

Birmingham Town Hall - October 7, 1834 to present.
Birmingham Symphony Hall  -1991 to present
St Phillip Cathedral - "Pigeon Park" - 1725to present.

 Birmingham city's old library. - 12 January 1974- planned demolition 2014

My sketches in relation to the above buildings;

My first initial sketch is a dress created by using the circle design on the exterior of the 'new central Birmingham library.

  • Metal hoops

  • Metal circles
  • As much a I do love this design, I feel that it would be far too time consuming and I don't think I would be able to finish it in time for our deadline, as I would have to bend/ shape each individual hop myself and solder it together.

My second Sketch is inspired by a dress I saw Katy Perry Wearing;

I'm not sure how this dress/skirt would function or if it is even possible to be created, however, I am very intrigued by this particular idea.

Idea 3/4, is mask, this idea is based on  the graffiti eagle painted on the old Birmingham library, I have chosen this as it is a misfit of it's own surrounding.

 My Idea;

I am going to make a head piece in the style of John Galliano (John Charles Galliano CBE, RDI is a Gibraltar-born British fashion designer who was head designer of the French fashion companies John Galliano S.A., Givenchy, and Christian Dior.
November 28, 1960 (age 52), Gibraltar
Education: Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design)
However, my head piece will be infused with a mask (birds beak)...

(Carrie Bradshaw is a fictional character based on sex in the city- played by Sarah Jessica parker)

My Ideas;


this is my initial idea, it's simple yet is infused with influences form John Galliano and the 'eagle'/bird on the side of the old Birmingham library.


I much prefer this idea, I feel I have furthered my ideas and I feel it is a much stronger idea, however, I prefer my beak on the previous idea.  

 Prototype #1... Paper bird mask;

The only problem with this mask is the bird beak angles down not outwards, also with it being paper it is really delicate and flimsy.

 Prototype#2 Polystyrene;

Prototype#3 polystyrene;

Making the bird beak longer, I feel although this beak is longer and would make the headpiece/mask more interesting, I do still prefer the shape of the other beak.

  Collection of beaks I have made using polystyrene.

Next steps;

Try other prototypes...possibly wood, I would also like to try vac-forming.
try making mask- eye piece
collect other materials for the top of the head piece- sticks, twigs, leaves feathers/ potentially make them.

What I did next;

I realised I wouldn't have time to make a prototype out of wood and this means I wouldn't have been able to vacform my mask, so I looked online for a premade birds mask.

I then painted eye detailing on to the mask using black acrylic paint

I painted some twigs black and placed red beads from an old bracelet on the twigs to make berries.

 And then I glued them on the mask.
I then started adding feathers and more twigs in various sizes.

 I then painted a dotting detail on the top of the mask;

Adding eyelashes to make the mask look girly.



The Finished Result;

I have also added a second dotting detail over the brow of the mask, I really like my mask, I think it could be used as a masquerade mask.

My Walk;



These photographs show my walk from Margaret Street to Birmingham old central library.


My Mask/head piece after my walk;

 Due to the rain when I was doing my walk, the rain chipped paint off my mask, made paint run and parts of my mask fell off- e.g, feathers, leaves and beads.
I have now patched my mask up and fixed the chipped paint an I have also re-attached my beads, feathers and leaves.